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Case Study
Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble is a leading multinational consumer goods corporation renowned for innovation in home care, feminine hygiene, hair care, baby care, beauty, and personal care products. With a portfolio of prestigious brands, their commitment to high safety standards ensures customer trust.
Procter & Gamble utilises three buildings in Reading for product testing in labs, with space for warehousing and offices. Maintaining cleanliness and strict safety standards is paramount across these sites.
Samsic secured the Procter & Gamble contract in 2019 and has been consistently meeting their evolving needs while upholding stringent safety standards. In addition to professional cleaning, Samsic offers porter and technical AV support.
The Benefits
Samsic’s unwavering commitment to alleviating and maintaining high standards has led to the development of a strong partnership with both Procter & Gamble and JLL Real Estate, the managing entity overseeing services for Procter & Gamble.
A transformative shift in the culture of the Cleaning Operative team has successfully eradicated previous challenges related to poor cleanliness standards. The management team is committed to supporting the cleaning team both personally and professionally, and through comprehensive training and employee benefits, the team has been empowered with a personal drive to excel. As a result, monthly audit scores consistently reach an impressive 100% score.
Complaints concerning inadequate standards and unpleasant odours within the buildings have been eliminated following the initial deep clean of site facilities and the superior operational processes enforced in its ongoing maintenance. Procter & Gamble has also acknowledged a heightened standard in their own operations, particularly within their labs, and has credited this enhancement to the elevated cleanliness level achieved by Samsic.
The positive transformation within the cleaning team’s culture is evident, with new recruits carefully selected not only for their ability to meet client expectations but also for their alignment with the team’s values. Management support and guidance have played a pivotal role in the changes to site culture as management are aligned with the cleaning teams, providing ground-level support where required by actively participating in cleaning tasks, and setting higher benchmarks in the varied and complex environment. Job satisfaction and happiness within the cleaning team is now unmistakable as they consistently perform their duties to the desired standards, benefitting from the supportive relationship with management.
Sustainability and resource management have taken a more prominent focus as the contract has evolved, with Samsic recently introducing new cleaning machinery designed to save energy whilst incorporating trackable accountability technology. Samsic’s Cleaning Operatives have since received accolades from the client for embracing sustainability on-site, demonstrating creativity by producing fruit juices from leftover fruit deliveries, effectively reducing wastage, and encouraging resource sharing between Procter & Gamble ‘s buildings to optimise cleaning inventories and control waste.
In addition to implementing sustainability initiatives to save energy and costs, Samsic has expanded its services throughout the contract period. This includes taking on tasks like lab window cleaning to cut costs for Procter & Gamble. Since Samsic is capable and the client wants to limit access to security-sensitive areas, they no longer need an external service for this task.
The comprehensive benefits of Samsic’s approach have not only elevated cleanliness standards but have also fostered a collaborative, efficient, and environmentally conscious working environment. Procter & Gamble are receiving a bespoke service tailored to their needs whilst saving money and becoming more sustainable in their operations as the contract progresses.
The Challenge
Each laboratory and room of any scientific function within the Procter and Gamble Reading estate requires a committed dedication to cleanliness standards. Each area possesses unique cleaning specifications, outlining the specific procedures and instructions that must be followed. Cleaning Operatives at the Procter & Gamble site must therefore have a thorough understanding of each room’s distinct specifications and adherence to these standards is non-negotiable. Managing the cleanliness and adherence of multiple specifications could often pose a challenge to cleaning staff.
Before Samsic’s involvement in 2019, cleaning audits within the facility were consistently rated as ‘low,’ with scores consistently falling below 60%. The on-site inventory of cleaning supplies was insufficient to meet cleaning specifications and the expansive size of the buildings. Furthermore, the lack of adequate support from management compounded the challenges. Despite the longevity of service for several Cleaning Operatives at the Procter & Gamble site, the absence of supervisory guidance resulted in poor standards and an inability to meet the numerous specifications required.
The Solution
When initiating the Procter & Gamble contract, Samsic’s first strategic move was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each of the ‘I,’ ‘F,’ and ‘DWL’ (laboratory) buildings. These structures serve a multitude of purposes, encompassing 30 laboratories, skin labs, meeting rooms, a warehouse, and various Procter & Gamble employee facilities. The evaluations were designed to gauge existing standards, assess Cleaning Operative working hours and duties, and formulate a robust mobilisation plan for the contract to elevate standards.
Samsic initiated a TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) process to seamlessly integrate employees from the previous contractor into the Samsic family. During this transition, meetings were held with the Cleaning Operatives, ensuring a positive and smooth introduction to their new employer, and building internal relationships. Adjustments to working hours were also made to better align with the client’s needs, and efforts were invested to ensure that future supervisory and management support, as well as the ethos of Samsic, would be well-received and supported by the newly integrated Operatives.
All employees, whether acquired through TUPE or freshly recruited, underwent ‘back to basics’ training to establish a solid foundation of skills and communicate the quality standards expected in their daily work. Additional training tailored to the specifications of different areas within Procter & Gamble’s estate was provided. Ongoing support and benchmarking meetings were established through Samsic’s Learning Management System (LMS) and the use of toolbox talks. These regular ‘toolbox’ discussions between Samsic management and Cleaning Operatives facilitate the exchange of ideas, ongoing training, and support the team on an ongoing basis.
The LMS, a powerful resource for all Samsic employees, offers access to hundreds of free training courses, supporting teams in continuous job training, learning new skills, managing financial or mental health, and upskilling to enhance their professional development.
When the Procter & Gamble contract was awarded, an extensive deep cleaning initiative was implemented throughout the entire estate, significantly elevating on-site cleanliness standards. Machinery and cleaning equipment were updated and replenished to aid Cleaning Operatives in achieving and maintaining these heightened standards. Procter & Gamble, however, supplied Samsic with their own professional cleaning chemicals, to ensure adherence to bespoke specifications in each area, which Samsic has incorporated as part of the bespoke service offering supplied to Procter & Gamble, utilising these chemicals to complement our own high-performance machinery.
As time progresses, the initial deep cleaning has evolved into a regimen of daily maintenance cleaning, with periodic deep cleaning scheduled for when the building is closed. Window cleaning, deep cleans, and other potentially disruptive services are also coordinated to avoid disruptions to the crucial work of Procter & Gamble employees, demonstrating our dedication to maintaining a conducive working environment.