The Benefits
With a combination of excellent rapport with EMH Group, technological innovations, excellent staffing, and the quality of the security service, business with EMH has continued for over 15 years. The service provided by Samsic has been exceptional, leading to the growth of the original contract with more EMH sites being added over time.
The on-site team of Security Officers provides a consistently excellent service to EMH Group, across all 5 of the sites in their remit. Samsic rewards well-performing members of the security team ‘OSCRs’ – Outstanding Service Contribution Recognitions – to highlight excellent service. OSCRs are coveted within Samsic and the team within EMH have won OSCRs numerous times for their dedication.
Officers have needed to safeguard residents in need and go above and beyond to ensure they are safe and given the care that they need.
The Contract Manager visits EMH Group management on a regular basis, to ensure standards are being upheld, both in safeguarding, and in the incorporated building maintenance capacity. Time is saved for the client as compliance of smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, and overall site safety, is handled by the team of officers.
To ensure high service quality, Samsic has utilised its ECAT quality auditing management system, regular management meetings, and the technological innovation of SamTech. SamTech has been instrumental in securing the safety of residents and providing accountability on-site to enable service support.
The security service with Samsic has gone from strength to strength, with KPI scores across the estate ranging from 100% to 110% across the 5 residential sites, ongoing business since 2007, and the start of a new contract with EMH’s Maidstone House in 2023.