After the COVID pandemic in 2020, having a clean office is a must. In this blog, we discuss how to sanitise a shared desk, one of the most used furnishings in your office. 

If you use co-working spaces or shared office spaces, knowing the appropriate steps to make your office as clean and safe as possible is of paramount importance. If you’re unsure of how to give your desk a sparkling finish, read our blog to find out how you can make your desk look and feel spotless.

Why disinfecting your desk is important

In shared office spaces bacteria and germs can be found in the kitchen, the bathroom, and desks – just to name a few. 

It’s important that these high-traffic areas are kept clean because this means that employees, customers and visitors can stay healthy on your premises. Having healthy staff will reduce sick days, boost team morale and help teams stay focused on their duties – which may be compromised if they are unwell. 

When to disinfect your desk

Disinfecting desks should be a proactive reaction, rather than reactive. Obviously, if someone has got sick – to protect the other members of staff – a deep clean of the desk should take place. 

However, to prevent illnesses in the office, it’s a great idea to clean frequently. Getting rid of any rubbish on the desk, basic disinfecting and light tidying should really be undertaken on a daily basis when tidying your desk. 

Typically speaking, the average office may disinfect their office deeply once per week, on top of when people are sick. 

Steps to disinfect your shared desk

Below, we’ve outlined how to clean a desk in the most efficient way possible, helping to reduce germs and bacteria.

1. Open windows

To help the circulation of your office, you should open a window or activate an infiltration system to improve your office’s air quality.

This not only helps to reduce pathogens but will also help reduce the smell of chemicals when you start cleaning your shared desk.

2. Unplug any electronics

You should turn off and unplug any technology in your office before you clean your desk. This way, your equipment won’t get damaged whilst you clean.

3. Remove any of the desk’s items and sanitise 

Items such as pen holders, stationery, mugs and cutlery often come into contact with your mouth and hands, so are likely to have spread germs. 

You should remove these items to clean them so you can get rid of the germs on these objects. 

When you remove the item to clean it, make sure that you’ve wiped it down with an anti-bacterial wipe. 

If you have any oddly shaped items, instead of using a wipe, use warm water and anti-bacterial washing-up liquid to get into all the nooks and crannies. After you’ve cleaned the items on your desk, put them away in a clean, sanitised space to let them dry. 

4. Clean the desk’s fixtures

Your shared desk may have various accessories like a monitor, keyboard, mouse or other electronics.

As technology can be very delicate to clean, it may be best to consult the internet or the user manual of any technology you have to see the most appropriate way to clean it. 

To clean keyboards, compressed air is often a popular choice as this doesn’t damage the technology but still provides an in-depth clean. 

5. Dust the desk

Dust the desk by using a cloth which is clean and dry, this will not only help with the appearance of the desk but will also help with making sure the space is sanitised. 

6. Sanitise the desk’s surface

Use an antibacterial spray, wipe or cleaning solution to wipe down the shared desk and its surrounding areas.

Make sure that you’ve cleaned any frequently touched areas like seats and desk edges. Also, when you clean, use a single pass motion in a singular direction to avoid unnecessarily spreading germs around. 

Tips to protect your co-workers

Below, we’ve outlined some tips to help you keep shared desks as tidy as possible: 

  • Inform your co-workers that bringing their own eating and drinking cutlery and utensils is more hygienic than sharing these utensils.
  • Try to discourage co-workers from eating and drinking at their desks, as this commonly spreads germs. 
  • Make sure you have sanitisation stations available at your work, including hand sanitisers and disinfectant sprays. Make sure that your co-workers know where these stations are, so they can use them appropriately. 
  • Make signs to remind your colleagues to clean the desk every time they’ve used it to stop the spread of germs.
  • Make sure to read the label or research whatever you’re cleaning on your desk before you undertake any sanitisation. This is important because you may be at risk of damaging equipment otherwise.
  • Be aware of what you’re touching, and try not to touch your face, eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Have extra microfibre cloths at hand to help sanitise the shared desk after each use.
  • If you don’t externally source your cleaning with companies like Samsic UK, ensure that everyone is helping out with the cleaning. Sharing the job of cleaning makes the process more efficient and ensures a thorough cleaning.
  • Alongside keeping your shared desk clean, you should also frequently clean writing equipment, shelves and phones.
  • Encourage colleagues to take sick days if they are genuinely unwell as they can spread germs in the office space if not. According to Theraflu, 67% of Americans avoid calling in sick because they are scared of judgement. By creating an open, honest sick policy, you will be able to keep the spreading of sickness to a minimum. 

Trust Samsic UK to sanitise shared desks

Here at Samsic UK, we are proud to offer a variety of cleaning services helping to keep your office space as clean as possible.

Using innovative cleaning solutions, we will make your shared office spaces cleaner than ever at a great price too. Contact us today to receive a quote

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you disinfect the desk of an occupied room?

If you’ve hired Samsic UK, you won’t have to worry about this scenario. This is because we clean around the clock, so we don’t disrupt your business’s operations. Contact us to find out more.  

How do professionals clean so fast?

Professional cleaners, such as Samsic UK, utilise a logical cleaning system by cleaning from up to down, moving in one direction, so no area gets re-dirtied in the cleaning process. This makes the cleaning process time-effective. 

How can I ensure colleagues keep shared desks clean?

Colleagues can keep shared desks clean by wiping them down with sanitary wipes, not eating at their desks and following any cleaning policies put in place. 

What are some common illnesses that spread at work?

Some common illnesses that spread at work are bullet pointed below:

  • Common cold
  • Influenza
  • Stomach flu


Maintaining a clean and sanitised shared desk is crucial for ensuring a healthy and productive work environment. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you can significantly reduce the risk of spreading germs and bacteria, thereby promoting the wellbeing of all office occupants. Regular cleaning, coupled with proactive measures like using personal utensils and having sanitisation stations, can go a long way in keeping your workspace safe.

At Samsic UK, we specialise in providing comprehensive cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of shared office spaces. Our professional and efficient cleaning solutions ensure that your office remains spotless, contributing to the health and satisfaction of your employees. Contact us today for a quote and take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier office environment.

Remember, a clean desk is not just about aesthetics—it’s about creating a space where everyone can work comfortably and safely. Implement these tips and trust Samsic UK to handle your office cleaning needs, so you can focus on what you do best. Stay safe, stay clean, and keep your shared desks in top condition.