These days more than ever, keeping your hospital clean is vital for the health and well-being of patients, staff and visitors. 

Aside from traditional Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) such as MRSA and C. difficile, both of which can lead to many serious symptoms, all hospitals are faced with the challenge of managing SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) since the worldwide pandemic in 2020.

Keeping on top of cleaning your hospital is a never-ending task, especially due to the challenges of recruiting, training and retaining domestic staff. Not to mention the ongoing supervision of cleaners, checking the work carried out and ensuring standards are maintained.

Hiring a professional hospital cleaning company like Samsic UK, an international expert in healthcare cleaning, can remove this stress and put your hospital cleaning in safe hands. Our staff are highly trained in cleaning hospitals, using the latest cleaning solutions and eco-friendly products.

Whatever you require for your hospital cleaning, Samsic UK can give you a quote.

What is hospital cleaning?

Many factors contribute to how clean your hospital is. The main one is to determine where germs are usually found and how to keep them at bay. These locations include:

In hospital offices

Computer keyboards, desks and telephones are often used by multiple staff. Cleaning hospital surfaces regularly helps get rid of germs and reduces the possibility of transmission. Contact Samsic UK to find out how we can assist with keeping your hospital clean.

On hospital wards

From bed rails to door handles and soap dispensers, these surfaces are regularly touched by many people in the hospital. Aside from patients, staff and visitors regularly washing their hands, it’s essential to keep these hospital surfaces clean.

In hospital theatres

It goes without saying that hospital theatres must be kept scrupulously clean. Medical instruments and intravenous lines, for example, are handled by staff and are inserted into the patient’s body. Regular disinfection to avoid cross-infection is necessary.

Elsewhere in the hospital

Other examples of ensuring how clean is your hospital include adequate waste management, clean water systems and removing airborne pathogens. 

What are the benefits of using a professional company for hospital cleaning?

Here are some benefits of hiring a hospital cleaning company like Samsic UK to take charge of keeping your hospital clean:

A healthier environment for all

From purified air to chemical-free products and from antimicrobial surfaces to effective waste management, patients, staff and visitors can rest assured that they are in a safe environment. The possibility of catching viruses or infections is significantly reduced, meaning potentially less time in hospital for patients and also less staff sickness.

Let someone else take the strain

Recruiting a professional hospital cleaning company like Samsic UK means that you will never have to ask ‘how clean is your hospital?’. Our highly trained staff will carry out your bespoke cleaning plan, meaning that you can focus on other important aspects of healthcare. Get in touch here.

A professional appearance

Thanks to high-quality cleaning from Samsic’s professionals, the clean hospital environment will give confidence to patients and visitors that they are in safe hands. It will also ensure the hospital is a pleasant place to work for staff. A clean environment can enhance your hospital’s reputation.

Reduced costs

Samsic’s innovative, eco-friendly products mean less cleaning and a longer life for surfaces and equipment. Hiring a professional hospital cleaning company means that you will save money in the long run, especially as you won’t have to buy your own cleaning equipment. 

One stop shop for cleaning services

Rather than having to deal with a variety of cleaning providers and overseeing staff, hiring a hospital cleaning company like Samsic means that all required cleaning is overseen. So the hospital can focus on patient care.

Freeing up space

With hospitals becoming busier and busier, space is becoming more scarce. Hiring a hospital cleaning company like Samsic means that you won’t have to store cleaning products and equipment, freeing up space for other uses. Get in touch here.

How can Samsic UK help keep your hospital clean?

At Samsic UK, we know how important it is for you to keep your hospital clean. That’s why we offer a range of services to help our healthcare clients achieve this. 

Samsic UK offers the skills, expertise and environmentally friendly products and equipment to clean and remove biohazards including blood, body fluids or chemicals. Dealing safely with these hazards is essential for everyone on the hospital premises and beyond.

We can take away your bed linen and towels for eco-friendly washing and disinfecting, then return them spotlessly clean. You can trust us to deliver the best service and reduce the need for your own laundry room.

We work with clients to assess needs and suggest improvements if necessary, then create a bespoke plan. The medical waste is then removed and disposed of by our highly trained and highly qualified specialists.

Contact us today to see how we can help clean your hospital.